Subnet Hyperparameters
This document presents the description of the allowed subnet hyperparameters. For any subnet, you can see the subnet hyperparameters by running this below command and selecting the netuid
(i.e., selecting the subnet):
btcli subnet hyperparameters
Not all the hyperparameters in the output of btcli subnet hyperparameters
are editable. See this line of code for the editable hyperparameters.
Setting the hyperparameters
Use the below command to set these hyperparameters:
btcli sudo set
Hyperparameters list
Type: float
Description: Maximum weight limit.
Type: int
Description: The tempo or rate of operation.
Type: int
Description: Minimum difficulty for some operations.
Type: int
Description: Maximum difficulty for some operations.
Type: int
Description: The version number of the weights used.
Type: int
Description: Rate limit for processing weights.
Type: int
Description: Interval at which adjustments are made.
Type: int
Description: Activity cutoff threshold.
Type: bool
Description: Indicates if registration is allowed.
Type: int
Description: Target number of registrations per interval.
Type: int
Description: Minimum burn value.
Type: int
Description: Maximum burn value.
Type: int
Description: Moving average of bonds.
Type: int
Description: Maximum number of registrations per block.
Type: int
Description: Limit on the rate of service.
Type: int
Description: Maximum number of validators.
Type: int
Description: Alpha value for adjustments.
Type: int
Description: Difficulty level.
Type: int
Description: Interval for commit-reveal weights.
Type: bool
Description: Flag indicating if commit-reveal weights are enabled.
Type: int
Description: High value of alpha.
Type: int
Description: Low value of alpha.
Type: bool
Description: Flag indicating if liquid alpha is enabled.
Below is a more concise table of all known Bittensor Subnet hyperparameters, without the “Description” column. After the table, you will find individual sections (in the same order) with H3 headings that include the parameter descriptions. Each hyperparameter name in the table links down to its corresponding description section.
Table of Hyperparameters
Name | Type | Default / Example | Setter Extrinsic | Required Permission | Audience |
ActivityCutoff | u16 | 5000 | sudo_set_activity_cutoff | sn_owner | Validators (Valis) |
AdjustmentAlpha | int | Unknown | sudo_set_adjustment_alpha | sn_owner | Miners |
AdjustmentInterval | u16 | 100 | sudo_set_adjustment_interval | root | Subnet Owner, Miners |
AlphaHigh | int | N/A | sudo_set_alpha_values | sn_owner | N/A |
AlphaLow | int | N/A | sudo_set_alpha_values | sn_owner | N/A |
BondsMovingAverage | u64 | 900000 | sudo_set_bonds_moving_average | sn_owner | Validators (Valis) |
BondsPenalty | u16 | 0 | sudo_set_bonds_penalty | sn_owner | Validators (Valis) |
Burn | u64 | 100000000000 (100 TAO) | None | N/A | N/A |
ColdkeySwapScheduleDuration | int | N/A | sudo_set_coldkey_swap_schedule_duration | root | N/A |
CommitRevealPeriod | int | N/A | sudo_set_commit_reveal_weights_interval | sn_owner | Subnet Owner, Validators |
CommitRevealWeightsEnabled | bool | false (example) | sudo_set_commit_reveal_weights_enabled | sn_owner | Subnet Owner, Validators |
Difficulty | u64 | 671088640000000 | sudo_set_difficulty | root | Subnet Owner, Miners |
DissolveNetworkScheduleDuration | int | N/A | sudo_set_dissolve_network_schedule_duration | root | N/A |
EmissionValue | u64 | 857777000 | None | N/A | N/A |
EvmChainId | int | N/A | sudo_set_evm_chain_id | root | EVM users |
HotkeyEmissionTempo | int | N/A | sudo_set_hotkey_emission_tempo | root | N/A |
ImmunityPeriod | u16 | 4096 | sudo_set_immunity_period | sn_owner | Miners |
Issuance | u64 | 0 | None | N/A | N/A |
Kappa | u16 | 32767 | sudo_set_kappa | sn_owner | Validators, Miners |
LiquidAlphaEnabled | bool | false (example) | sudo_set_liquid_alpha_enabled | sn_owner | N/A |
LockReductionInterval | int | N/A | sudo_set_lock_reduction_interval | root | N/A |
MaxAllowedUids | u16 | 4096 | sudo_set_max_allowed_uids | root | Subnet Owner |
MaxAllowedValidators | u16 | 128 | sudo_set_max_allowed_validators | root | Subnet Owner, Potential Validators |
MaxBurn | u64 | 21000000000000000 (21M TAO) | sudo_set_max_burn | sn_owner | Miners |
MaxDifficulty | u64 | u64::MAX / 4 | sudo_set_max_difficulty | sn_owner | Miners |
MaxRegistrationsPerBlock | u16 | 1 | sudo_set_max_registrations_per_block | root | N/A |
MaxWeightLimit | u16 | 655 | sudo_set_max_weight_limit | sn_owner | Validators |
MinAllowedWeights | u16 | 50 | sudo_set_min_allowed_weights | sn_owner | Validators |
MinBurn | u64 | 1000000000 (1 TAO) | sudo_set_min_burn | root | Subnet Owner, Miners |
MinDifficulty | u64 | 10000000 | sudo_set_min_difficulty | root | Subnet Owner, Miners |
NetworkMaxStake | int | N/A | sudo_set_network_max_stake | root | N/A |
NetworkMinLockCost | int | N/A | sudo_set_network_min_lock_cost | root | Potential Subnet Owners |
NetworkPowRegistrationAllowed | bool | true (example) | sudo_set_network_pow_registration_allowed | sn_owner | Miners |
NetworkRateLimit | int | N/A | sudo_set_network_rate_limit | root | Potential Subnet Owners |
NetworkRegistrationAllowed | bool | true (example) | sudo_set_network_registration_allowed | sn_owner | Miners |
NominatorMinRequiredStake | int | N/A | sudo_set_nominator_min_required_stake | root | Validators, Stakers |
PruningScore | u16 | 65535 (u16::MAX) | None | N/A | N/A |
Rho | u16 | 10 | sudo_set_rho | sn_owner | Validators, Miners |
ScalingLawPower | u16 | 50 | None | N/A | N/A |
ScheduleGrandpaChange | N/A | N/A | schedule_grandpa_change | root | Root |
ServingRateLimit | u64 | 250 | sudo_set_serving_rate_limit | root/sn_owner | Miners |
StakeThreshold | int | N/A | sudo_set_stake_threshold | root | Validators |
SubnetLimit | int | N/A | sudo_set_subnet_limit | root | Potential Subnet Owners |
SubnetMovingAlpha | int | N/A | sudo_set_subnet_moving_alpha | root | N/A |
SubnetOwnerCut | int | N/A | sudo_set_subnet_owner_cut | root | Subnet Owners |
SynergyScalingLawPower | u16 | 50 | None | N/A | N/A |
TargetRegistrationsPerInterval | u16 | 2 | sudo_set_target_registrations_per_interval | root | Subnet Owner, Miners |
TargetStakesPerInterval | int | N/A | sudo_set_target_stakes_per_interval | root | Stakers |
Tempo | u16 | 99 | sudo_set_tempo | root | Subnet Owners |
ToggleTransfer | bool | true (example) | sudo_set_toggle_transfer | sn_owner | Subnet Owner, Stakers |
TxDelegateTakeRateLimit | int | N/A | sudo_set_tx_delegate_take_rate_limit | root | Validators, Stakers |
TxRateLimit | int | N/A | sudo_set_tx_rate_limit | root | Depends on usage category |
ValidatorBatchSize | u16 | 32 | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorEpochLen | u16 | 250 | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorEpochsPerReset | u16 | 60 | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorExcludeQuantile | u16 | 3277 (~5% of u16::MAX ) | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorLogitsDivergence | u16 | 1310 (~2% of u16::MAX ) | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorPruneLen | u64 | 1 | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorSequenceLen | u16 | 256 | None | N/A | N/A |
WeightsRateLimit | u64 | 250 | sudo_set_weights_set_rate_limit | sn_owner | Validators |
WeightsVersion | u64 | 400 | sudo_set_weights_version_key | sn_owner | Validators |
Hyperparameter Descriptions
Below are individual descriptions for each hyperparameter, listed in the same order as in the table above.
- Description: Activity cutoff threshold. Nodes with an activity score below this may be pruned.
- Description: Alpha parameter for difficulty or emission adjustments.
- Description: Interval (in blocks) at which difficulty or other dynamic parameters are adjusted.
- Description: High bound for the “liquid alpha” mechanism.
- Description: Low bound for the “liquid alpha” mechanism.
- Description: Moving average factor applied to bonding weights.
- Description: Penalty factor for bonding. Higher penalty may reduce bond-based rewards.
- Description: Typical burn value (e.g., 100 TAO). This is not currently set via an extrinsic.
- Description: Number of blocks (duration) for coldkey swap schedules (if used).
- Description: Interval (in blocks) for the commit-reveal weights scheme (if enabled).
- Description: If
, validators must commit weights, then reveal them after a set period.
- Description: Base PoW difficulty for miners/hotkeys when registering via PoW.
- Description: Number of blocks (duration) for dissolving a network or subnet.
- Description: Emission value parameter (if used in token issuance).
- Description: Chain ID for EVM compatibility. Typically set once and never changed.
- Description: Interval or “tempo” for hotkey-based emission schedules (if supported).
- Description: Number of blocks that newly registered hotkeys are immune to pruning or difficulty changes.
- Description: Global issuance setting (if used for token issuance).
- Description: Factor used in certain block emission or difficulty scaling calculations.
- Description: Toggles the “liquid alpha” parameter adjustments.
- Description: Interval at which required locked stake can be gradually reduced.
- Description: Maximum number of UIDs (hotkeys) allowed to register in the subnet.
- Description: Maximum number of validator hotkeys.
- Description: Maximum burn allowed in a burn-based registration scenario.
- Description: Upper bound for PoW difficulty in subnet registration.
- Description: Limit of how many new registrations can happen within a single block.
- Description: Maximum weight limit (scaled factor) a validator can set.
- Description: Minimum number of weights that a validator must set.
- Description: Minimum required burn (e.g., 1 TAO) to register via burn.
- Description: Lower bound for PoW difficulty in the subnet.
- Description: Maximum stake allowed in the network (if enforced).
- Description: Minimum lock cost for network creation or participation.
- Description: Whether PoW-based registration is permitted in this subnet.
- Description: Rate limit for network-level extrinsics or usage.
- Description: Whether new (non-PoW) registrations are allowed on this subnet.
- Description: Minimum stake required by nominators.
- Description: Score threshold above which nodes are pruned. Set internally, not user-editable.
- Description: Rho factor for block emission or difficulty scaling.
- Description: Exponent used for synergy/emission scaling (e.g., 0.5 if stored as 50 in
- Description: Schedules a GRANDPA authority change (not a hyperparameter per se, but an extrinsic).
- Description: Rate limit for serving requests (e.g., forward/backward calls).
- Description: Minimum threshold stake to become a validator or maintain validator status.
- Description: Maximum number of subnets that can be created.
- Description: “Moving alpha” factor for dynamically adjusting subnet parameters.
- Description: Cut or portion of rewards/fees allocated to the subnet owner.
- Description: Exponent specifically for synergy scaling, parallel to
- Description: Target number of registrations per difficulty/emission adjustment interval.
- Description: Target number of staked positions or delegations within each interval.
- Description: Network “tempo,” typically relating to block timing or intervals.
- Description: Whether token transfers are enabled in the subnet.
- Description: Rate limit for changes to delegate “take” percentages.
- Description: Network transaction rate limit.
- Description: Batch size for validator calls or checks (e.g., forward calls).
- Description: Number of blocks in each validator epoch.
- Description: Number of epochs before a reset occurs (e.g., to remove stale states).
- Description: Quantile threshold for excluding underperforming validators.
- Description: Divergence threshold for validator logits or scores.
- Description: How many blocks (or epochs) after which validator pruning is triggered.
- Description: Sequence length for validator queries.
- Description: Rate limit for setting validator weights.
- Description: Version key for submitted weights to prevent replay or stale weights.
Scrable of Hyperparameters
Name | Type | Default / Example | Description | Setter Extrinsic | Required Permission | Audience |
ActivityCutoff | u16 | 5000 | Activity cutoff threshold. Nodes with lower activity may be pruned. | sudo_set_activity_cutoff | sn_owner | Validators (Valis) |
AdjustmentAlpha | int | Unknown | Alpha parameter for difficulty/adjustment tuning. | sudo_set_adjustment_alpha | sn_owner | Miners |
AdjustmentInterval | u16 | 100 | Interval (in blocks) at which difficulty adjustments are made. | sudo_set_adjustment_interval | root | Subnet Owner, Miners |
AlphaHigh | int | N/A | High bound for “liquid alpha” mechanism. | sudo_set_alpha_values | sn_owner | N/A |
AlphaLow | int | N/A | Low bound for “liquid alpha” mechanism. | sudo_set_alpha_values | sn_owner | N/A |
BondsMovingAverage | u64 | 900000 | Moving average applied to bonding weights. | sudo_set_bonds_moving_average | sn_owner | Validators (Valis) |
BondsPenalty | u16 | 0 | Penalty factor in bonding weights calculation. | sudo_set_bonds_penalty | sn_owner | Validators (Valis) |
Burn | u64 | 100000000000 (100 TAO) | Fixed burn (if used); not currently exposed in extrinsics. | None | N/A | N/A |
ColdkeySwapScheduleDuration | int | N/A | Duration for the coldkey swap schedule (if enabled). | sudo_set_coldkey_swap_schedule_duration | root | N/A |
CommitRevealPeriod | int | N/A | Interval (in blocks) for commit-reveal weights scheme. | sudo_set_commit_reveal_weights_interval | sn_owner | Subnet Owner, Validators |
CommitRevealWeightsEnabled | bool | false (example) | Enables the commit-reveal weight update mechanism. | sudo_set_commit_reveal_weights_enabled | sn_owner | Subnet Owner, Validators |
Difficulty | u64 | 671088640000000 | Base PoW difficulty for registration. | sudo_set_difficulty | root | Subnet Owner, Miners |
DissolveNetworkScheduleDuration | int | N/A | Blocks until a “dissolve network” schedule completes. | sudo_set_dissolve_network_schedule_duration | root | N/A |
EmissionValue | u64 | 857777000 | Emission value parameter (if used in token issuance). | None | N/A | N/A |
EvmChainId | int | N/A | Chain ID for EVM compatibility. Typically not changed. | sudo_set_evm_chain_id | root | EVM users |
HotkeyEmissionTempo | int | N/A | Tempo (interval) for hotkey-based emission (if implemented). | sudo_set_hotkey_emission_tempo | root | N/A |
ImmunityPeriod | u16 | 4096 | Period (in blocks) that newly registered hotkeys are immune. | sudo_set_immunity_period | sn_owner | Miners |
Issuance | u64 | 0 | Global issuance setting (if used). | None | N/A | N/A |
Kappa | u16 | 32767 | Kappa factor for block emission or difficulty scaling. | sudo_set_kappa | sn_owner | Validators, Miners |
LiquidAlphaEnabled | bool | false (example) | Toggles “liquid alpha” mechanism. | sudo_set_liquid_alpha_enabled | sn_owner | N/A |
LockReductionInterval | int | N/A | Interval for gradually reducing locked stake requirements. | sudo_set_lock_reduction_interval | root | N/A |
MaxAllowedUids | u16 | 4096 | Maximum number of UIDs (hotkeys) allowed in the subnet. | sudo_set_max_allowed_uids | root | Subnet Owner |
MaxAllowedValidators | u16 | 128 | Maximum number of validator hotkeys. | sudo_set_max_allowed_validators | root | Subnet Owner, Potential Validators |
MaxBurn | u64 | 21000000000000000 (21M TAO) | Maximum burn allowed for PoW or other burns. | sudo_set_max_burn | sn_owner | Miners |
MaxDifficulty | u64 | u64::MAX / 4 | Maximum difficulty limit. | sudo_set_max_difficulty | sn_owner | Miners |
MaxRegistrationsPerBlock | u16 | 1 | Max # of new registrations in one block. | sudo_set_max_registrations_per_block | root | N/A |
MaxWeightLimit | u16 | 655 | Max weight limit (scaled factor for validator weights). | sudo_set_max_weight_limit | sn_owner | Validators |
MinAllowedWeights | u16 | 50 | Minimum number of weights a validator must set. | sudo_set_min_allowed_weights | sn_owner | Validators |
MinBurn | u64 | 1000000000 (1 TAO) | Minimum burn required (e.g., to register via burn). | sudo_set_min_burn | root | Subnet Owner, Miners |
MinDifficulty | u64 | 10000000 | Minimum difficulty for PoW-based registrations. | sudo_set_min_difficulty | root | Subnet Owner, Miners |
NetworkMaxStake | int | N/A | Maximum stake allowed network-wide (if enforced). | sudo_set_network_max_stake | root | N/A |
NetworkMinLockCost | int | N/A | Minimum lock cost for network creation or participation. | sudo_set_network_min_lock_cost | root | Potential Subnet Owners |
NetworkPowRegistrationAllowed | bool | true (example) | Whether PoW-based registrations are allowed. | sudo_set_network_pow_registration_allowed | sn_owner | Miners |
NetworkRateLimit | int | N/A | Global rate limit for network extrinsics/usage. | sudo_set_network_rate_limit | root | Potential Subnet Owners |
NetworkRegistrationAllowed (formerly RegistrationAllowed) | bool | true (example) | Whether new registrations (non-PoW) are allowed on this subnet. | sudo_set_network_registration_allowed | sn_owner | Miners |
NominatorMinRequiredStake | int | N/A | Minimum stake required by nominators. | sudo_set_nominator_min_required_stake | root | Validators, Stakers |
PruningScore | u16 | 65535 (u16::MAX) | Score threshold for pruning. | None | N/A | N/A |
Rho | u16 | 10 | Rho factor for block emission or difficulty scaling. | sudo_set_rho | sn_owner | Validators, Miners |
ScalingLawPower | u16 | 50 (represents 0.5 if scaled) | Exponent for synergy or emission scaling. | None | N/A | N/A |
ScheduleGrandpaChange | N/A | N/A | Schedules a GRANDPA authority change (not a param). | schedule_grandpa_change | root | Root |
ServingRateLimit | u64 | 250 | Rate limit for serving requests (e.g. forward or backward calls). | sudo_set_serving_rate_limit | root or sn_owner | Miners |
StakeThreshold | int | N/A | Threshold stake required to participate (if enforced). | sudo_set_stake_threshold | root | Validators |
SubnetLimit | int | N/A | Maximum number of subnets. | sudo_set_subnet_limit | root | Potential Subnet Owners |
SubnetMovingAlpha | int | N/A | “Moving alpha” for dynamic subnet param adjustment. | sudo_set_subnet_moving_alpha | root | N/A |
SubnetOwnerCut | int | N/A | The “cut” or portion for subnet owners on fees/rewards. | sudo_set_subnet_owner_cut | root | Subnet Owners |
SynergyScalingLawPower | u16 | 50 (represents 0.5 if scaled) | Exponent for synergy scaling. | None | N/A | N/A |
TargetRegistrationsPerInterval | u16 | 2 | Target # of registrations per adjustment interval. | sudo_set_target_registrations_per_interval | root | Subnet Owner, Miners |
TargetStakesPerInterval | int | N/A | Target # of stake increases/delegations per interval. | sudo_set_target_stakes_per_interval | root | Stakers |
Tempo | u16 | 99 | Network “tempo” in block intervals (e.g. block time multiplier). | sudo_set_tempo | root | Subnet Owners |
ToggleTransfer | bool | true (example) | Toggles token transfers in the subnet on/off. | sudo_set_toggle_transfer | sn_owner | Subnet Owner, Stakers |
TxDelegateTakeRateLimit | int | N/A | Rate limit for delegate “take” updates. | sudo_set_tx_delegate_take_rate_limit | root | Validators, Stakers |
TxRateLimit | int | N/A | Network transaction rate limit. | sudo_set_tx_rate_limit | root | Depends on usage category |
ValidatorBatchSize | u16 | 32 | Batch size for validator queries (e.g. forward calls). | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorEpochLen | u16 | 250 | Blocks per validator epoch. | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorEpochsPerReset | u16 | 60 | # of epochs per reset cycle for validators. | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorExcludeQuantile | u16 | 3277 (~5% of u16::MAX ) | Quantile threshold for validator exclusion. | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorLogitsDivergence | u16 | 1310 (~2% of u16::MAX ) | Divergence threshold for validator logits. | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorPruneLen | u64 | 1 | Number of blocks/epochs after which pruning is triggered. | None | N/A | N/A |
ValidatorSequenceLen | u16 | 256 | Sequence length for validator queries or updates. | None | N/A | N/A |
WeightsRateLimit | u64 | 250 | Rate limit for setting validator weights. | sudo_set_weights_set_rate_limit | sn_owner | Validators |
WeightsVersion | u64 | 400 | Version key for weights (prevents stale weight submissions). | sudo_set_weights_version_key | sn_owner | Validators |
Editable vs. Non-Editable
Many parameters have a correspondingsudo_set_*
extrinsic. Those without any listed extrinsic may be read-only or not yet exposed for editing. -
- root: Full-chain access (often associated with the governance root/sudo account).
- sn_owner: Owner (or controller) of a specific subnet.
- Audience
- Miners: Parties primarily affected in PoW-based registrations or mining operations.
- Validators (Valis): Nodes involved in the validation and weighting process.
- Subnet Owners (sn_owners): Entities that created or manage subnets.
- Potential Subnet Owners: Anyone interested in creating new subnets or controlling them.
- Stakers: Parties that stake tokens or nominate validators.
Additional Hyperparameters
Some extrinsics, such assudo_set_default_take
, may govern additional economics or reward distribution parameters not explicitly detailed in the snippet above. Where a parameter is not shown in the table, it may be network-specific, newly introduced, or simply not documented here. -
Getting Current Values
To view the current hyperparameter values for a subnet, use:
btcli subnet hyperparameters
Then select the appropriate netuid
(subnet ID).
- Setting Hyperparameters
To set any hyperparameter that is editable, you typically use:
btcli sudo set ...
which will internally call the relevant sudo_set_*
extrinsic, assuming you have the required permissions.
Quick Examples
- Setting
):btcli sudo set --key <sn_owner_key> --netuid <subnet_id> max_weight_limit 700
- Setting
):btcli sudo set --key <root_key> --netuid <subnet_id> tempo 120
(Ensure your wallet/key has the proper on-chain privileges: root
or sn_owner
Setter Extrinsics
/// =============// required permissions; audience swap_authorities // root; root sudo_set_default_take // root; root sudo_set_tx_rate_limit // root; depends on rate limit category
sudo_set_serving_rate_limit // root/sn_owner; miners sudo_set_min_difficulty // root; sn_owner, miners sudo_set_max_difficulty // sn_owner; miners sudo_set_weights_version_key // sn_owner; valis sudo_set_weights_set_rate_limit // sn_owner; valis sudo_set_adjustment_interval // root; sn_owner, miners sudo_set_adjustment_alpha // sn_owner; miners sudo_set_max_weight_limit // sn_owner; valis sudo_set_immunity_period // sn_owner; miners sudo_set_min_allowed_weights // sn_owner; valis sudo_set_max_allowed_uids // root; sn_owner sudo_set_kappa // sn_owner; valis, miners sudo_set_rho // sn_owner; valis, miners sudo_set_activity_cutoff // sn_owner; valis sudo_set_network_registration_allowed // sn_owner; miners sudo_set_network_pow_registration_allowed // sn_owner; miners sudo_set_target_registrations_per_interval // root; sn_owner, miners sudo_set_min_burn // root; sn_owner, miners sudo_set_max_burn // sn_owner; miners sudo_set_difficulty // root; sn_owner, miners sudo_set_max_allowed_validators // root; sn_owner, potential valis sudo_set_bonds_moving_average // sn_owner; valis sudo_set_bonds_penalty // sn_owner; valis sudo_set_max_registrations_per_block // root sudo_set_subnet_owner_cut // root; sn_owners sudo_set_network_rate_limit // root; potential sn_owners sudo_set_tempo // root; sn_owners sudo_set_network_min_lock_cost // root; potential sn_owners sudo_set_subnet_limit // root; potential sn_owners sudo_set_lock_reduction_interval // root; potential sn_owners sudo_set_stake_threshold // root; valis sudo_set_nominator_min_required_stake // root; valis, stakers sudo_set_tx_delegate_take_rate_limit // root; valis, stakers sudo_set_min_delegate_take // root; valis, stakers sudo_set_target_stakes_per_interval // root; stakers sudo_set_commit_reveal_weights_enabled // sn_owner; sn_owner, valis sudo_set_liquid_alpha_enabled // sn_owner sudo_set_alpha_values // sn_owner sudo_set_hotkey_emission_tempo // root sudo_set_network_max_stake // root sudo_set_coldkey_swap_schedule_duration // root sudo_set_dissolve_network_schedule_duration // root sudo_set_commit_reveal_weights_interval // sn_owner; sn_owner, valis sudo_set_evm_chain_id // root; EVM users (won't change) schedule_grandpa_change // root; root sudo_set_toggle_transfer // sn_owner; sn_owner, stakers sudo_set_subnet_moving_alpha // root
Hyperparameters with values
Rho: u16 = 10; Kappa: u16 = 32_767; // 0.5 = 65535/2 MaxAllowedUids: u16 = 4096; Issuance: u64 = 0; MinAllowedWeights: u16 = 50; EmissionValue: u64 = 857_777_000; MaxWeightsLimit: u16 = 655; // 655/2^16 = 0.01 [655 @ 7,160] ValidatorBatchSize: u16 = 32; // 32 ValidatorSequenceLen: u16 = 256; // 256 ValidatorEpochLen: u16 = 250; // [250 @ 7,161] ValidatorEpochsPerReset: u16 = 60; ValidatorExcludeQuantile: u16 = 3277; // 5% of u16 [3277 @ 65,065] ValidatorPruneLen: u64 = 1; ValidatorLogitsDivergence: u16 = 1310; // 2% of u16 ScalingLawPower: u16 = 50; // 0.5 SynergyScalingLawPower: u16 = 50; // 0.5 MaxAllowedValidators: u16 = 128; Tempo: u16 = 99; Difficulty: u64 = 671_088_640_000_000; // Same as nakamoto at block = 3606775 [671T @ 26,310] AdjustmentInterval: u16 = 100; TargetRegistrationsPerInterval: u16 = 2; ImmunityPeriod: u16 = 4096; ActivityCutoff: u16 = 5000; // [5000 @ 7,163] MaxRegistrationsPerBlock: u16 = 1; PruningScore : u16 = u16::MAX; BondsMovingAverage: u64 = 900_000; BondsPenalty: u16 = 0; WeightsVersionKey: u64 = 400; MinDifficulty: u64 = 10_000_000; MaxDifficulty: u64 = u64::MAX / 4; ServingRateLimit: u64 = 250; // [250 @ 7,166] Burn: u64 = 100_000_000_000; // 100 tao [100 tao @ 26,310] MinBurn: u64 = 1_000_000_000; // 1 tao [1 tao @ 26,310] MaxBurn: u64 = 21_000_000_000_000_000; // 21M tao [21M tao @ 26,310] WeightsSetRateLimit: u64 = 250; // [250 @ 7,168]